6 Pack Abs Secrets

We all want to have that chiseled 6 pack abs that is going to turn heads and make us feel more confident. Well after you read this short 3 minute article you will be on your journey to those visible abs. I'm just here to help you conquer your Six Pack ab goal! 

Over the years of bodybuilding, about 7 to be exact, I've come across very useful ways to achieve a drier, more toned look, especially in the midsection and make my abs come to life.

Here we are talking about making our abs visible and having a nice toned look. This goal in mind, here are the 4 things to focus on to achieve visible abs and turn heads in the street and on the internet.

1. Eat Enough Protein
I hate to be the Debby downer here but, guys, Abs are muscles, and in order to build muscle we need to trigger protein synthesis and strengthen up those abs and feed them before they can become visible and pop out. All along I thought if I didn't eat or if I just would run 20 miles a week my abs would magically appear. Actually that was the worst thing I could do, how am I going to build ab muscles without proper nutrition and diet, and exercise. In order to make abs visible and pop out we need to constantly do exercises that builds abs and constantly feed them protein and nutrients so they can become bigger and bigger and more visible.

2. EAT After Your Workout
Muscles need to grow after your workout, but muscles are not going to grow without being properly fed. Just like grass needs water and sunlight to grow, our muscles and ABs need food and protein and liquids to grow and become bigger and stronger and more toned. The myth is if I decrease calories and drop body fat my abs will come to life. WRONG, you have to EAT EAT EAT, and EAT more if you want your abs to grow properly and become visible.

3. Clean Diet
With the Six Pack goal in mind, we need to focus on a clean diet. Eating only fresh and organic foods will decrease the time dramatically before we can make our abs visible. A clean and natural diet consists of lean meat, fruits and vegetables.

Image result for absCarbohydrates are okay before and after exercising but only at those times. Any other times carbohydrates are consumed our bodies will store it as fat. Try to get carbohydrates from soups and natural organic foods, whole grain, anything not man made. But in general stay away and reach for the salad or steak. 

Healthy fat plays a crucial role in getting rid of the fat we don't want, like in our midsection. It takes fat to burn fat. Increase healthy fat consumption when trying to have abs appear.

Another rule of thumb is not to eat within 3 hours of bed time. Our bodies grow mainly at night time, if we eat before bed our bodies will be to busy breaking down the meal we just ate and not building the muscle we tore up from our workout during the day. If you get hungry before bed have a cup of tea or water.

The only few suggestions I have to make is to focus on a green, clean diet, and not to binge eat. Eating out of boredom will prolong our ab goal. Starting with a clean diet, with a 6 pack goal in mind, we should stay away from sugar and processed food, not only do these things create fat but they cause body inflammation and make it harder for our bodies to build muscle and perform right. Increased water intake directly will impact fat loss. If you drink a gallon a water a day you will lose fat. Your body will feel more full throughout the day and you will want to eat less. So make sure your water intake is high. 

4. Do AB Workouts You Enjoy
Everyone needs to have a goal, they need someone they want to look better for, or just that they want to tone up whatever the case is, you need to make it fun. It's a lot easier to achieve something when you make it fun. With every goal creates determination and for some, sacrifice. So you have your goal on getting a visible 6 pack. Achieving that goal would be a lot better if you made it fun. I'm here to tell you there are so many types of exercises, you need to go out and learn and choose the workout you enjoy and when you find it you do it to the best of your ability and be patient for your abs to appear, because they will!


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