Why Workout in the Morning

More time for other workouts later in day. 
Working out more than once in a day will increase the chances of muscle growth and fat loss. The more you workout, the more calories you burn, more fat loss, more reps you get in, more tears on your muscles and growth of lean muscle. 

Increased energy from being at a rest state all night
Waking up and working out is great because your body is fully rested and ready to take on and power through a intense workout so you can maximize muscle growth and fat loss. 

More time to fit things in your schedule
If you workout before you normally wake up you'll have your workout in for the day so you won't have to hit the gym later which gives you more time to do the things you love or spend time with people. 

Workout to feel more awake
Working out helps me wake up, working out gets the blood flowing, and mentally focused, so I can tackle projects all throughout the day. 

Helps ego and to feel more relaxed through the day
Working out in the morning takes dedication. Dedication combined with a intense workout can get our blood flowing, and the pump on, or after a nice morning run get the dopamine released, which in turns will help us feel happier and above. This will help us feel more relaxed throughout the day because we are taking care of ourselves and just the body sends triggers to the brain of self confidence after working out.  

Morning Exercise Carries over to the kitchen
Working out in the morning takes dedication which I mentioned above. This dedication can transfer over to our diet habits also. Personally if I workout in the morning when I'm a little tired and really just focus on my workout, next time I reach for the pastry or sweet I get a glimpse of how hard I worked out in the morning and think twice about eating that sweet. 

Testosterone levels are highest in morning
Which in turn will help with muscle growth from working out in the morning. So if you can try and lift heavy weights in the morning rather than lower weight higher reps, more weight will increase testosterone and human growth hormone which will increase overall lean muscle. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn at a resting state. 

Body has been fasting all night (my favorite part)
Working out in the morning will help you target fat for fuel. Weight loss happens when your body taps into fat for energy instead of food like bad carbs or whatever you would consume before a workout. Working out in the morning forces your body to shed fat. Working out while fasting will maximize your body in burning fat for fuel.This is a great tool for fat loss especially. Just remember to replenish your body with plenty of carbs and protein no more than 30 minutes after your workout. If your goal is to gain muscle and lose fat, I would strongly recommend this technique, but if you decide to do this technique of fasting before workouts, it is a good idea to supplement with a BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acid) product to so when you workout on an empty stomach your body doesn't dig into muscle for energy because that is possible. But if your primary goal is to lose weight and not really worry about building muscle I wouldn't worry about a BCAA supplement as long as you're eating protein (about 20grams) after your workout.

Good energy that will help you burn fat. 
Protein, fruits, vegetables, anything besides carbs, I drink a large cup of coffee which helps me feel energized for my workout and coffee also has thermogenic properties which increases fat loss. 

It's easier to workout before you do anything that is draining during the day physically and mentally. So utilize the morning to get a great workout in so you can feel good about yourself the rest of the day. 

Helps you stick to a clean healthy diet because you already put in the work this morning to achieve your fitness goal. You'll think more about eating the pastries or bread, pasta, if you get right to a workout in the morning. 

Helps you wake up. 

I don't know about you guys but it gets hot in the summer and I don't have the best air conditioning. Working out when it's cooler especially helps me want to exercise harder and longer and burn more fat! 

Makes you feel good throughout the day. This is especially due to lifting weights in the morning. You can get a great pump on and get vascular and just have a Kanye attitude (feeling above all ego)

Working out gets your endorphins going and if you workout hard enough, especially on an empty stomach, you have a high chance of releasing dopamine which in turn will make you happy and much less likely to have a bad day. 

Please leave me a comment, was the article helpful? What did you learn? Can you teach me something that goes with the article? I'd appreciate the feedback!!! =) 


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