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Increase Muscle Size and Hardness- Muscle Hypertrophy

Muscle hypertrophy- " a term for the growth and increase of the size of  muscle  cells. The most common type of  muscular hypertrophy  occurs as a result of physical exercise such as weightlifting, and the term is often associated with weight training." Information from article (How does muscle hypertrophy happen?) by Elizabeth Quinn.  You guys may never have heard this term before, hypertrophy, but as a bodybuilder it's what causes mo st of the growth in our muscles. It's responsible for the cuts in my arms and abs, and the added weight to all my workouts week after week. It's also responsible for that awesome pump us gym rats live for when we step foot in the gym, and those vein popping last few sets we do before we finish, come on I know some of you guys love getting vascular like me after a good workout!  Picture yourself in the gym pushing you're body to the limit to get that one last rep in. You look at your muscles and they look t

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